Tuesday, June 18, 2013

and then, she was 10 months.

as they say, the days are long and the years are short. my first beautiful daughter sloane marie is now ten months old. holy blink of an eye! she crawls around faster than her dachsund brother harvey can run away from her. sloane pulls up on everything. she says mama & dada, and babbles all day. her personality is pretty laid back. her favorite things to tote around are little bottles of lotion & makeup and mini catalogs that come in the mail. at least half of her toys are gator-oriented. we have so much fun playing dress-up. she's a good sport with the headband addiction i have formed.
sloane laughs and laughs. she absolutely loves the pool and can stay in for hours-doused in her sun bum sunscreen, of course. we listen to a lot of the classic musicians (read: fleetwood mac, dave matthews, jay z). mama is strict with her feeding and nap schedule, and she thrives off of it. speaking of meals-sloane eats pretty much what we eat. she totally feeds herself finger foods and interacts with us at the family table. she's a social butterfly, flying from musicology class, swim lessons, shopbopping with mama and playdates all throughout the week. sloane turns the page when we read, giggling at the funny voices and colorful pictures. sundays with daddy are her favorite; she is wrapped around his finger for sure. sloane gets so excited when she hears the facetime ringtone because she knows her papa is caling. overall, sloane is thriving. we are so forever grateful for the opportunity to raise her. i simultaneously want to freeze this age forever and also have her be sixteen so i can tell her how important she is-to me, Gabe and the world at large.
most of all, she has changed her mama. you're welcome, cara lakin.

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